We developed a website for these guys:they created a fortnite skin changer.

Do you want to outsource IT services?

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Retea / networking

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- Servicii IT

We are a company specialized in various IT services that address companies and state institutions that want to outsource IT support.

Years of experience
Minutes to solve the problem
Customers become friends
Estimated time


- Our strategy

- Frequently asked questions

itistul.ro it meets the requirements of Bucharest and the surrounding area of Bucharest, having customers spread throughout the city at the moment.

We are distinguished by the way we communicate with people within the company. The relationship we create with our clients is a very close one, we understand that the trust we gain influences the results we get. Your colleagues will receive information on their understanding and will be able to rely on our support, so they can focus on the work they have to do without being frustrated on various negative situations influenced by IT equipment. We know that each of us plays a role in the proper functioning of things and that not everyone has to know IT, no matter how trivial the problem may be.

In reality it is impossible, the software is made by programming companies, the hardware is made by companies specialized in hardware. But there is a real benefit when the company that manages the computer system has access to Domain Management and networking equipment. Detecting and solving problems becomes much more effective. Plus as usual, when you buy more products and services from the same company and the costs go down.

We believe very much in seriousness and professionalism without trying to become distant from our clients. Behind it is a well structured organization with pre-established protocols, but the interaction is a human one that first listens to the needs of the client and offers its solution with explanations on its understanding. This system we developed due to the needs of our customers and it is a system that we like and makes our customers happy.

The IT company requires a lot of trust and I believe that the best selection system is the recommendation from the companies with which they work.


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