We developed a website for these guys:they created a fortnite skin changer.



How we managed to add a video card in a small pc case and saved a small investment! DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!
You just got a video card (GPU) but you can't mount it because of the size of your computer case (PC) and you don't want to buy another PC case? We [...]

securitate cibernetica

How to secure your personal computer

1. Try to have an operating system as recent and updated as possible.
Operating systems have default systems enabled that can block many cyber attacks, so it is important to have an up-to-date operating system (with the automatic update function turned on). It is important that those [...]

probleme revisal

How to fix Revisal after Windows update

After the Windows 10 build 1903 update, we encountered a problem with the Revisal program with two of our customers.
The error was something like:
Validation error : could not instantiate CacheProvider: NHibernate.Caches.SysCache.SysCacheProvider, NHibernate.Caches.SysCache, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6876f2ea66c9f443
Its resolution is as follows:

Control Panel entries
Program and Features
Turn windows features on and off
Click on [...]

Help desk, mentenanta IT, externalizare servicii IT

Dupa un update de Windows nu mai porneste calculatorul!

Cred ca am inregistrat deja sute de cazuri in care dupa un update de Windows calculatorul are probleme la pornire. Mai jos voi enumera principalele motive si cum sa evitati aceasta problema:

Nu inchideti calculatorul in timpul update-ului!

Cea mai comuna problema este ca multi utilizatori nu citesc acel mesaj scris […]

Servicii IT externalizate, virusi ransomware

Cum ne protejam de “ransomware”?

Voi incepe prin a preciza ca tutorialul asta poate fi aplicat si ca metoda de protejare impotriva altor tipuri de virusi, nu numai cei de tipul ransomware.
Ce este un virus de tipul RANSOMWARE?
Este un virus care iti tine fisierele ostatice si iti cere o anumita suma de bani, de […]

Cum sa-ti protejezi calculatorul usor si eficient (Standard User/Administartor)?

Cum sa-ti protejezi calculatorul usor si eficient (Standard User/Administrator)!

Cum sa-ti protejezi calculatorul usor si eficient (Standard User/Administrator)!
Cea mai simpla si eficienta metoda pe care o aveti la dispozitie ca utilizator de Windows este sa mai creati un utilizator cu drepturi de administrare si sa faceti utilizatorul existent fara drepturi de administrare (Standard User vs Administrator):

Verificati daca User-ul […]

Calculatorul nu porneste

Calculatorul nu mai porneste? Cum sa-l repari!

La un momentdat toti ne-am confruntat cu problema asta si ne-am panicat putin. Mai jos explic cateva motive pentru care calculatorul nu mai porneste:

Calculatorul nu are becuri aprinse si nu porneste de la butonul de power!
Fara sa va fustrati, si fara sa fiti jigniti, verificati cablul de alimentare si […]

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