We developed a website for these guys:they created a fortnite skin changer.

Viitorul AI în IT – O revoluție sau doar hype?

Viitorul AI în IT – O revoluție sau doar hype? 🚀🤖
Inteligența artificială (AI) a devenit un subiect fierbinte în industria IT, fiind considerată fie o revoluție care va schimba complet modul în care lucrăm, fie doar un trend supralicitat care va încetini în curând. Dar care este realitatea? Hai […]



How we managed to add a video card in a small pc case and saved a small investment! DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!
You just got a video card (GPU) but you can't mount it because of the size of your computer case (PC) and you don't want to buy another PC case? We [...]

securitate cibernetica

The importance of securing the operating system

It's complicated when IT comes to you and tells you that you need to change your password or put in a more complicated password and that you sometimes have to be patient with updating Windows, MacOS, Android, IOS etc. But there's a good reason for all of this.
According to data published by [...]


Elon Musk presents NEURALINK

Towards the end of the NEURALINK launch event, Elon Musk said that they had succeeded in making a monkey control a computer using the brain-computer interface.
The NEURALINK project aims to create an interface that records and controls neural activity using thousands of electrodes per cm2.
Applications are [...]

iphone vs samsung

Users prefer Samsung over iPhone!

The information comes from BankMyCell which has published information gathered from 38,000 iPhone users selling their old iPhone for a new phone. From the data collected it appears that lately users are leaving the iOS platform and moving to Android, the biggest winner being Samsung.

From [...]

smartwatch IBM

IBM patenteaza un smartwatch cu display origami

IBM, companie care in ultimii ani s-a bazat mai mult pe dezvoltarea de solutii enterprise si care acum cativa ani a renuntat la producerea de calculatoare adresate utilizatorilor obisnuiti vanzand linia de productie si brand-ul ThinkPad chinezilor de la Lenovo, tocmai a patentat un smartwatch cu un display care […]

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